Friday, January 25, 2008

"God put the moon down"

The other night at bedtime the moon was so bright that it was shinning through Owen's blinds. We turned off the light and opened the blinds to check it out. It was so beautiful. Then Owen says "God put the moon down." I replied "The moon is up," wondering why my three old doesn't know the difference between up and down. "God is above the clouds so he put the moon down Mommy," Owen tells me. Wow, you have got to love kids, they see things that us adults just don't see.

While we're on the topic, Kate had a star named after her. What a cute idea, and I love to find Orion so I'll think of her often (even though I'm not sure exactly which star is hers).
"Know ye herewith that the International Star Registry doth hereby redesginante star number: Orion RA 6h 5m 18s D 06' 55' to the name: Kate, The Princess of Westwind. Know ye further that this star will henceforth be known by this name. This name is permanently filed in the Registry's vault in Switzerland and recorded in a book which will be registered in the copyright office of the United States of America"


Aunt Dee-Dee said...

Gosh Jenny... didn't you get that?
Your son is smarter than you.

Krista said... glad you've got a blog too so I can keep up on you and your family. Thanks for mentioning Kate...we appreciate it all. It was great seeing you last weekend at the funeral....but now we've got to get's been too long!

Aren't kids the cutest...I am totally amazed at the things that come out of their little's obvious...sometimes they just get it!

Keep blogging...I'll keep checkin' in! Talk to you soon...very very soon!