Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kate's Kart...Books from the Heart

Just an update on how The Laymans are doing: (Taken from

For any new readers....Kate's Kart is a new charity we just started in honor of our daugther, Kate who passed away on January 15 due to a congenital heart defect at the age of 18 months. She spent many many weeks in the hospital...and one of her favorite things to do was look at books have others read to her. Volunteers will take around Kate's Kart to the pediatric floors and allow hospitalized children and their families to pick out brand new books for their own personal use and enjoyment. Our goal is to pass out books a couple times a week and really encourage the children and their families on an ongoing continual basis. We accept donations of new books, gift cards or cash to help supplement the purchase of books.

Beginning Friday, April 25, 2008, Shannon McClure and Jenny Teders of Fort Wayne, will be contestants on "Dirk & Jnet's Little Give", a local version of Oprah's Big Give, sponsored by WAJI Majic 95.1 FM. Check it out at:

Please spread the word!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fantasy Baseball

I’m addicted! Only when I’m winning though. I was second to last the other day and ready to quit. Now I’m first and lovin’ it! I don’t know if I can handle a whole season of ups and downs. I think my blogging is being neglected due to the new addiction, today I finally found time to check my team, upload pictures, and blog. Thank heaven Cameryn still naps so I can get stuff done. I decided to use Jonathan Papelbon as my mascot, because it's so easy to find goofy pictures of him. Oh ya, and because he's a good pitcher!

Chocolate milk anyone?

I guess the days of Owen waiting a minute for Mommy to be available to help are closing near an end. The other morning Cameryn started drinking Owen’s milk, which made it yucky, so Owen asked me to get him some fresh chocolate milk. I told I would in just a minute. Shortly after that he walked into our bedroom with a yummy glass of chocolate milk , and proudly showed me what he had done all by himself. Luckily the milk was almost gone so it wasn't too heavy to poor. He didn't spill any milk, the chocolate sauce is a different story. Can you see the chocolate settled at the bottom of the cup?

With all the cleaning up Cameryn insisted on washing her hands. So I turned on the water and went back to cleaning up. When I returned I saw bubbles on her mouth. I asked her how the bubbles got on her mouth, and she showed me. Yum!

Crash and burn

Poor Cameryn fell face first on the concrete! Sean said she was a trooper though. Well, after she shattered all the windows at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

Razor burn

Curiosity about shaving got the best of Owen. He found himself alone in the bathroom and decided to give it a try. Razor burn sure looks silly on a three year olds face. He was so embarrassed that he wouldn't even let me take a picture.