Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I love quotes

"It means cherishing every moment, every breath with such intensity that you feel tears come to your eyes for no apparent reason."
What It Means To Be The Parent Of A Child With A Heart Defect by Anna Jaworski© 1996

Whether you're a biological parent, adoptive parent, stepparent, grandparent, godparent, or honorary parent we all know this feeling all too well.
If you have any good quotes please share them.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Children and their fascinations. They come and go and some stay longer than you'd like, but it's entertaining to watch. Current fascinations:


1. Role call - she'll go through the whole family and back again, as long as someone is there to listen and repeat her.

2. Buckles - she wants to do the buckles on her booster seat. It keeps me on my toes because I don't know the difference between her wanting down and wanting me to undo the buckle so she can do it again.


1. Weird - Owen spends his day saying weird nonstop. We've asked him not to say stupid, and he thinks he's found a loophole.

2. Why? - The infamous "why?" questions. I love to see his mind work. He gets so carried away sometimes he doesn't even need me in the conversation.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pro-Hockey career put on hold

Sean and Owen spent some "guy" time together yesterday. Sean's been wondering when to get Owen into hockey, so they went ice skating down town. Owen did not like it at all. He was excited about getting ice skates, walked pretty good with them on, and then refused to get on the ice. Sean said they barely made it around once before leaving. So Sean has his answer.

Friday, January 25, 2008

"God put the moon down"

The other night at bedtime the moon was so bright that it was shinning through Owen's blinds. We turned off the light and opened the blinds to check it out. It was so beautiful. Then Owen says "God put the moon down." I replied "The moon is up," wondering why my three old doesn't know the difference between up and down. "God is above the clouds so he put the moon down Mommy," Owen tells me. Wow, you have got to love kids, they see things that us adults just don't see.

While we're on the topic, Kate had a star named after her. What a cute idea, and I love to find Orion so I'll think of her often (even though I'm not sure exactly which star is hers).
"Know ye herewith that the International Star Registry doth hereby redesginante star number: Orion RA 6h 5m 18s D 06' 55' to the name: Kate, The Princess of Westwind. Know ye further that this star will henceforth be known by this name. This name is permanently filed in the Registry's vault in Switzerland and recorded in a book which will be registered in the copyright office of the United States of America"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A throw back to the pacifier days

So I've been babysitting Hailey once a week for a few months now and both Cameryn and Owen just adore her. They both follow her around and "help" her with everything. Cameryn crawls with her, she's amazed by her toys and her pacifier. So I thought I'd give Cameryn one of her old pacifiers to see what she'd do. It's been several months and she took it like it never left. However, she didn't realize that if she talks it's going to fall out. I remember a few years ago getting Owen's pacifier back out and he didn't want anything to do with it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cough Cough Cough

Last night was a long night of coughs. Owen was up most of the night with constant coughing, and still managed to be up and running around at 7 am. Sean tried to let Owen sleep in this morning, but Owen heard him leaving. In a tearful voice Owen said "My daddy is leaving and my sister will be sad." So I ran to the garage and asked Sean to come back in for a quick hug. Cameryn slept most of the night and seems to be feeling a bit better. Maybe she'll eat something today.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cameryn's 1st bubble bath?

At an attempt to pacify Cameryn we thought we'd try a bubble bath. Then we realized that this was her 1st! How sad is that, a year and a half and just now enjoying a bubble bath.

Both Owen and Cameryn have colds. Cameryn is taking it a lot worse. She's fussy, not eating, and not sleeping well. Thankfully she has been enjoying her milk. Owen's cough sounds terrible but doesn't seem to be slowing him down at all.

Kate's Service

Sean and I attended Baby Kate's funeral service yesterday. It was beautiful. They shared poems, letters, pictures, and scriptures. It so delicately conveyed the love her family and friends have for Kate. Amidst all her pain she was a very happy, smiley little girl.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Owen's Statue of Liberty

It's always fun to see something your children have learned that you didn't teach them. These days I find myself asking him "Where did you learn that?" And of course when you're the little sister you have to try everything your brother does.