Saturday, January 19, 2008

Owen's Statue of Liberty

It's always fun to see something your children have learned that you didn't teach them. These days I find myself asking him "Where did you learn that?" And of course when you're the little sister you have to try everything your brother does.


Anonymous said...

Great Idea!! We will check daily.
Love those pix - good reason though. Granpa Mike, Granma Annie
and Granma Mary. Oh, yeah, tell
Owen and Cameryn Shadow too!

Anonymous said...

I guess pictures are the next best thing. Even though it makes me want to cry seeing how fast they are growing. "love you guys"

Anonymous said...

u and ur blogging so cute! such a good idea. now if i could get on the computer more...Now that i am not on second shift it has taken away my phone "catch up" time.